Training AT HOME
No Excuses! – From 9 minutes to 365 days a year, anything is possible!
The best strength and shaping training programme for at home
You don’t have the time for a regular workout? You don’t like gyms? Your time slots are outside our opening hours? Train easily and flexibly with us from home:)
Below you will find a variety of workouts, whether in the form of videos to follow along or printable workout plans. Many of these resources are free and give you a first insight into the training philosophy of Personalworkout.
New online-training offer available soon!
A list of our new online-training offers will follow shortly. At the moment it is still in the making and we don’t want to reveal too much at this point.
If you would like to be informed about the new offer as soon as possible, simply sign up for the corresponding list:)
Determine your fitness level
Determine your fitness level for the Personalworkout Home Challenge!
The different levels are described in an easy-to-understand way.
Are you already at an advanced training level? Then you can easily assess which level is suitable for you based on your previous sports experience.
If you are unsure how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do, just take the time to find out.
What can 20 minutes of exercise a day do for you?
This largely depends on the type of exercise being performed. Regular exercise, even as short as 20 minutes a day, can lead to a range of positive effects, including improved cardiovascular health, controlled weight management, stronger muscles and bones, endorphin release, and better sleep quality. Given the short duration, it’s important to make the workout as efficient and intense as possible. By performing a daily HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) session, you can experience both mental and health benefits.
Can you achieve something with home workouts?
Home workouts are excellent for people who don’t like gyms and prefer to train at home. With the right home workout plan, you can train efficiently without the need for expensive equipment. You can be even more successful by incorporating an online trainer into your fitness routine. An online trainer can provide a personalized training plan tailored to your needs, ensuring that you stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals with the right and varied exercises in the shortest possible time.
How long should a home workout last?
The duration of a home workout depends heavily on your fitness goals, time management, and willingness or motivation to train regularly. For maximum cost/benefit efficiency, we recommend a minimum duration of 20 minutes per HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) session. With the right exercises, you can achieve maximum calorie burn in this short time. If you’re highly motivated and enthusiastic about training, there’s no reason not to extend your workout intervals, as long as you stay within your fitness level.
Which home workouts are good?
It may sound simple, but a workout is good primarily when you actually do it regularly. Therefore, it is very important that your training plan fits you, not the other way around. Only a training plan tailored to your individual needs will ensure that you stay motivated and can achieve your fitness goals. Use your personal trainer online for this purpose. They not only continuously provide you with new exercises that are best suited to your ambitions but also support and motivate you during difficult moments and phases of your training, giving you honest feedback about your progress.
Group Training Overview
Fitness Holidays & Health Retreats
Fitness & Health Retreat
Personal Training & Coaching
Personal Training & Coaching
Challenge of the Month
No budget for personal training?
Every month anew – the almost legendary challenge trains both strength and cardiovascular equally. Little to no equipment needed! Train wherever you are.
What Clients Say
«Marc is incredibly motivating and always gets the best out of his clients. Thanks to Marc’s motivation to always give my best, I can also motivate myself better to train alone. My goal was to get fitter. With additional nutrition tips, I’ve lost 11 kg and reduced my waist circumference by 10 cm. Thank you, Marc!»
«I wanted to get fit again, lose weight, reduce fat, and build muscle – we achieved all that. A thousand thanks, Marc; you also managed to bring back my joy for sports.»
«Hard but cool! Under Marc’s professional and knowledgeable training guidance, we train hard, but the fun factor isn’t neglected either. The 45-minute workouts are perfectly timed, and if you stick to the given training and nutrition plan, the kilos will drop off by themselves. I lost almost 10 kg! I feel much better and more capable. Want impressive results? Then I can only recommend training with Marc!»
«I can highly recommend Marc as a personal trainer. Almost without noticing and with little difficulty, he helps you bring out the best in yourself and achieve, even surpass, your goals. Using modern equipment and apps, he motivates you daily to stay on the right track and remain motivated. With his kind and friendly personality, you can’t help but be enthusiastic. Thank you, Marc, for making me feel fit and comfortable in my body again, and I look forward to more successes!»
„With Marc’s Personal Training and the Hardest30 group courses I was able to gain and maintain valuable core strength and lose 12kg during the pandemic. This was possible thanks to the straightforward adjustment of training plans and outdoor options when inside was not possible. In his friendly and familiar environment it is no problem to keep the motivation and drive to reach new training goals. Also loved his diet tips and tricks as I did not have to change it, but adjust it.”
„Mit dem Ziel ein paar Kilo abzunehmen und mich in meinem Körper fitter und wohler zu fühlen, bin ich zu Personalworkout gegangen. Das abwechslungsreiche Training bei Oli und auch bei Marc und Sofia hat mir immer Spass gemacht, sie haben mich motiviert und gefordert! Es brauchte Disziplin und ein bisschen Geduld von mir, aber auch von Oli und Marc mit mir ????, aber es hat sich definitiv gelohnt! Mit 10 Kilos weniger fühle ich mich viel besser und leistungsfähiger und habe mein Ziel dank der guten Tipps von Marc und Oli erreicht. Vielen Dank!”
„Nach mehreren Jahren erfolglosem Abnehmens habe ich mit der 90 Tage Challenge endlich das Richtige gefunden. Mit Marc als Trainer an meiner Seite, hat das ganze umso mehr Spass gemacht. Nach den ersten bemerkbaren Erfolgen stieg die Motivation und ich habe gelernt, dass man oft den Fokus auf die falschen Dinge legt. Am meisten erstaunte mich, wie ich durch Disziplin, ein wenig Sport und gewisse kleine Einschränkungen beim Essen, ich trotzdem abgenommen habe. Mit strengen Trainings, klaren Grenzen und guten Lösungen holt Marc das Beste aus einem raus. Besonders toll finde ich, dass er die Wichtigkeit auf die Gesundheit des Menschen legt. Sein Lob und ab und zu ein Lachen verleiht dem Ganzen eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und macht Spass. Ein Training bei Marc kann ich nur weiterempfehlen! Mit meinem Resultat bin ich sehr happy. Dafür danke ich dir sehr Marc.”
„Bevor ich Marc kennengelernt habe, war ich völlig verwirrt wegen den ganzen „Mode-Diäten”, die es mittlerweile auf dem Markt gibt, was ich überhaupt essen kann bzw. darf, um erfolgreich abzunehmen. Selbstverständlich ist jede „Diät” gescheitert, da es zu viele „Verbote” gab. Der Ernährungsplan von Marc ist leicht umsetzbar und auch in Stresssituationen problemlos machbar. Die Trainingseinheiten sind kurz und knackig. Rückblickend auf die letzten paar Monate war es die beste Investition in meine Gesundheit – nicht nur wegen den verlorenen Pfunden, sondern auch wegen vielen anderen positiven Aspekten wie z.B. eine bessere Schlafqualität, höhere Belastbarkeit bzw. mentale Stärke und einige körperlichen Beschwerden sind verschwunden. Egal in welche Richtung euer Ziel ist – mit Marc habt ihr einen kompetenten und zuverlässigen Trainer an eurer Seite, der mit euch den Weg zusammen geht.”
„Sehr professionell und am Puls der Zeit mit den Trainings- und Ernährungsplänen. Das Training ist hart, macht aber trotzdem Spass und die Resultate lassen nicht lange auf sich warten. Die digitale Unterstützung in Form von state of the art Apps und rascher Antwortzeit bei Fragen sind beeindruckend. So soll’s sein!”
What You Get
Support & motivation from professional trainers & a great community
Free workouts & challenges for home & on the go, plus other freebies
Holistic advice with medical analysis & nutrition plan