• Gratis Erstgespräch
  • Ganzheitliche Lösung
  • Individueller Ernährungsplan
  • 24/7 Unterstützung
  • Erfolgsgarantie
Offer / Health Tests and Measurements


Our «General Fitness Test» was developed by us together with an external team of sports scientists and therapists and is unique in its field. Our aim was to develop a valid test that is suitable for all age and ability groups and can be carried out within a maximum of 15 minutes on a single device. A suitable and fully functional version already exists, but development is not at a standstill. Our aim is to constantly optimise the test so that it can continue to meet all new requirements, developments and findings in the future

Fitness tests at home

  • With the help of our specific questionnaire, you can independently determine your current fitness level in just a few minutes and assign it to one of the 5 levels of the Personalworkout 90 Day Home Challenge.
  • The levels are clearly defined and easy to understand. Based on your previous sporting experience, you can easily assign yourself to the appropriate level.
  • If you are not sure how many push-ups or pull-ups you can actually do, take a moment to find out.

Anamnesis to determine imbalances in mobility and strength

Our «Functional Assessment» was specially developed for our personal training clients and consists of various components. In this 60-minute test, we check the mobility of the most important joints. We also test muscle activation and control during key movements and assess existing strength.

The result not only includes a detailed analysis of your posture, but also serves as a solid base on which we can create your targeted and personalised training plan. The aim is to improve your posture and avoid pain. We achieve this by deliberately avoiding exercises that have been categorised as unsuitable based on your current movement assessment.

Body fat analysis and measurement

To ensure that you are actually making progress in your training, it is important to continuously take accurate and reliable body fat measurements and analyse them accordingly. The measurements must be accurate and unbiased. Only then can they provide a clear and honest representation of your development.

With Bodygee’s scanning method, we use a technique that is comparable to bioimpedance measurement in body measurement and provides detailed information about the distribution of your muscle and fat mass. The fast 3D scan provides reliable and precise data in relation to the following relevant parameters:

  • Body fat percentage
  • Circumference
  • Posture
  • «Before and after image» in 3D

We also use skinfold measurement with the Caliper. This measurement method is extremely efficient as it is quick and also very accurate, provided it is always carried out by the same person.

Last but not least, thanks to our excellent network of partners, we can also organise an appointment for a DEXA scan.

This is even more accurate, but also more time-consuming and includes an additional measurement of bone density.

Heart rate variability (HRV) test

HRV measurements are relatively new when it comes to areas such as stress management, burnout prevention or the treatment of sleep disorders. However, this method will soon become part of the standard repertoire.

Put simply, heart rate variability measures how different one heartbeat is from the next. It may surprise you, but it is actually better if the time intervals between the individual beats vary so that they always correspond to the current physical demands. A rise and fall in heart rate due to the constantly changing conditions of daily life shows that your body is always adapting efficiently to the demands.

Through the HRV value and the other results of our measurements with Autonom Health, we are able to make well-founded statements about:

  • General health
  • Biological age
  • Stress level
  • Burnout resistance
  • Sleep & regeneration
  • Appropriate training stimuli or overtraining
  • Mental and physical performance

Functional medicine and blood count

These cases really do exist: The client adheres to the agreed diet truthfully and meticulously, comes to training several times a week and yet nothing or far too little happens in terms of weight loss or muscle building. That is depressing. Especially if you are not taken seriously!

In such cases, it is important to think outside the box and look for causes that cannot be found using general medical methods.For example, the threshold values used in blood tests are often too broad and do not necessarily represent the range of optimal health. This is where functional medicine comes into play. Using comprehensive blood, faecal and/or allergy tests, we carry out diligent detective work and get to the bottom of the problem.

A lack of minerals, trace elements, vitamins or hormones, for example, can be the cause of lacking success. However, a hidden inflammation or allergy may also be responsible. 

Marc and his team will help you find the cause so that you can finally move in the right direction! It’s best to send us your questions (including previous tests, if available) in advance by e-mail so that Marc can prepare for the consultation in the best possible way. This will take place either over the phone or in the studio, depending on your preference.


  • Blood count
  • Hormone test
  • Metabolism
  • Stool analysis
  • Food intolerances
  • 24h HRV measurement


What do you do in a fitness test?

In a fitness test, a physical examination is conducted, including measurements of height, weight, body fat percentage, etc. Depending on the scope, the test also involves a detailed assessment of physical endurance, strength, flexibility, and mobility by qualified professionals. The results reflect the current fitness level and reveal individual physical strengths and weaknesses. The insights gained from the assessment make it possible to create an optimal and personalized training plan upon request and help prevent injuries.

How fit am I for my age?

Fitness is never «just» a matter of age. Other influential factors, such as your lifestyle, eating habits, genetic predisposition, and health condition, significantly affect the overall assessment. However, there are general guidelines and standards for different age groups. You can superficially check if you «belong» or «stand out» (either positively or negatively) with various self-tests in endurance (e.g., jogging) and strength (e.g., weightlifting). If you want an «honest» and comprehensive fitness assessment that helps you achieve your goals quickly, it’s best to consult a professional and certified personal trainer.

What is my fitness level?

A first, fairly general indicator of your fitness condition is how well you handle daily physical activities, such as climbing stairs. If you can manage these easily without getting out of breath, that’s a pretty good start. If you want a more precise assessment, we recommend our quick and easy fitness check. It gives you a clearer overview of your current fitness level with minimal effort. For a comprehensive and highly detailed picture of your fitness condition, a professionally conducted fitness test will transparently and objectively reveal your physical strengths and weaknesses based on extensive measurements.

What is a fitness check?

A fitness check typically does not involve standardized tests and measurements and is less detailed compared to a fitness test. It is often used for a quick and uncomplicated assessment of one’s physical condition, providing only a rough outline of the actual fitness level. For an accurate and detailed understanding of physical strengths and weaknesses, a fitness check is less suitable compared to a fitness test. Conducted by professional and certified personnel, a fitness test offers precise and detailed data on the current fitness level based on extensive measurements and protocols.


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Free workouts & challenges for home & on the go, plus other freebies
Holistic advice with medical analysis & nutrition plan