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Symbolische Darstellung von Hitze- und Kälteexposition: Auf der linken Seite glühende Holzkohle in roten und orangenen Tönen, während auf der rechten Seite eine Schneeflocke in klarem, kristallinem Weiss zu sehen ist

Cold and Heat Exposure: Evidence-Based Benefits, Risks, and Practical Tips

Cold plunges and saunas have taken the wellness world by storm, with fans touting everything from quicker recovery to sharper mental clarity. Thanks to social media, these claims are often hyped up, making it tricky to separate fact from fiction. But what does science really have to say? In this article, we’ll dive into the evidence behind cold and heat exposure, debunk a few myths, and share some practical tips to help you get started safely and with confidence.

Cold and Heat Exposure: Evidence-Based Benefits, Risks, and Practical Tips
Detailliertes Modell eines menschlichen Herzens, das die Adern und die Blutversorgung zeigt, zur Veranschaulichung des Themas Bluthochdruck.

Understanding Hypertension: Modern Science and Effective Management

High blood pressure (HBP), also known as hypertension, is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions worldwide, affecting over 1 billion people. It is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. Despite its prevalence, hypertension is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms until it causes significant health issues. This blog post delves into the science behind high blood pressure, exploring recent studies to provide an up-to-date understanding of its causes, impacts, and management strategies

Understanding Hypertension: Modern Science and Effective Management
Marc Sonderegger, Gründer von Personalworkout, Arm in Arm mit Tom Purvis (RTS) in Toms Fitnessstudio in den USA.

What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training

In 2019, I first came into contact with RTS (Resistance Training Specialist), and in 2021, with the help of Michael Bachmann, a personal trainer from Zurich, I organized the first RTS course in Switzerland (Level I), which has since taken place three times. In 2023, I began the online learning for the RTS Mastery course, which took nearly a full year with over 120 hours of video material and is a prerequisite for attending the course in the USA with Tom Purvis. In this blog post, I want to share 10 key takeaways from nearly 200 hours of training, providing insight into the importance of biomechanics in strength training.

What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training


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Stilvolle Wellness-Oase mit einem Indoor-Pool und einer überdachten Lounge-Liege, umgeben von exotischen Pflanzen. Die sanfte Beleuchtung sorgt für eine entspannte und beruhigende Atmosphäre.

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