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What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training

In 2019, I first came into contact with RTS (Resistance Training Specialist), and in 2021, with the help of Michael Bachmann, a personal trainer from Zurich, I organized the first RTS course in Switzerland (Level I), which has since taken place three times. In 2023, I began the online learning for the RTS Mastery course, which took nearly a full year with over 120 hours of video material and is a prerequisite for attending the course in the USA with Tom Purvis. In this blog post, I want to share 10 key takeaways from nearly 200 hours of training, providing insight into the importance of biomechanics in strength training.

What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training

How to Adjust Your Training and Nutrition to Your Cycle to Get the Most Out of It

Talking about cycle-oriented or cycle-based training has become more mainstream in recent months. The hormonal fluctuations during the female cycle influence training, nutrition, and even the risk of injury for women. Especially in personal training, addressing this can allow for perfectly tailored adjustments to each “situation.” In this blog post, we provide an overview of hormonal differences and their potential consequences for training and nutrition, along with practical tips.

How to Adjust Your Training and Nutrition to Your Cycle to Get the Most Out of It

What does a good strength and mobility assessment look like?

Whether it’s an intake check, anamnesis, or assessment: there are many terms used to determine and evaluate a person’s health status for individualized training. Such checks should always include a written part, and a practical component is valuable and desirable. Among trainers, the FMS (Functional Movement Screen) is widely used, but we were never fully satisfied with it. With Activ Force, we now have a new tool that provides much more insight. In this blog post, we introduce our functional assessment.

What does a good strength and mobility assessment look like?


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