Are you looking for a suitable personal trainer in Zug or Baar? Someone who motivates you, while also considering your life situation, daily routine, and providing comprehensive advice and coaching in the areas of exercise, nutrition, and health? Then you’ve come to the right place
With a fitness coach from Personalworkout, you can expect a personalized and perfectly tailored program to meet your goals. Whether you want to improve your health, get your body in top shape, or just seek a new challenge, we offer customized solutions and support you around the clock. We not only provide the advantage of training in one of the most modern fitness studios in the Zug area, but we do so with enthusiasm, expertise, and empathy – because this is the foundation for successful personal training.
Marc Sonderegger – Founder, Head Coach and Personal Trainer

- Marc has been practising sports all his life and has always been polyathletic. He first had to try out a few different sports before he found his passion in street hockey. After 15 seasons, 4 Swiss championship titles and appearances in the Swiss national team, he discovered his love for strength training and kitesurfing. But the “how” has always fascinated him. How is a person capable of such extraordinary abilities? How does it all work in our body?
- This background and these questions motivated him to study sports science and biology at the University of Bern. Since graduating in 2008, he has been working as a sports and biology teacher. In 2013, he founded Personalworkout, where he still works as a personal trainer today. He regularly attends seminars around the world to further deepen and expand his knowledge. A selection of the courses he has completed and the diplomas he has obtained can be found below.
Marc is no longer a traditional personal trainer. In his opinion things like nutrition, sleep, digestion and stress have too great an impact on overall health and therefore on the potential to achieve optimal performance and results. For this reason, he has also attended more courses in functional medicine in recent years.
Marc is very ambitious, doesn’t like losing and believes that you can achieve anything if you want to. He lives and loves what he does and wants to convince you that life is much more fun when you are fit and healthy! Fittingly, his motto is: «Go hard or go home». When he does something, he always does it 100%.
MARC Sonderegger Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Lic. Sport und Sportwissenschaft mit Nebenfach Biologie, Universität Bern, 2003-2008
- Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen Sport und Biologie, PH Bern, 2007-2008
- A-Lizenz in Personal Training, Functional Training und Ernährungscoach, Sportlerei Akademie, DE-München, 2013-2014
- Trainer für funktionelle Sportrehabilitation; Athletik Coach, Sportlerei Akademie, DE-München, 2013-2014
- Sypoba Trainer Basic, Progressiv, Progressiv Advanced, Professional, CH, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017
- Performance Taping Kurs, Rocktape, CH, 2014:
- Vertiefung Anatomie / Physiologie und Pathologie, Swiss Prävensana Akademie, CH, 2014
- Mark Lauren Trainer-Ausbildung Level II, AUT-Wien, 2016
- Workshop I Wirbelsäule / Core, Dr. Gottlob Institut, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- Workshop II Schultergürtelsystem, Dr. Gottlob Institut, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- Workshop III Hüft- Beinregion & Arme, Dr. Gottlob Institut, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- Workshop V Bodyweight & Free Exercises, Dr. Gottlob Institut, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- Mobility Coach, Perform Better, DE-München, 2016
- YPSI Trainings Camp with Dr. Peter Lundgren, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- YPSI Before n’ After Bootcamp, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- YPSI Funktionelle Anatomie und Übungsausführung, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- YPSI Program Design, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- YPSI Nährstoffe, Hormonhaushalt & Nervensystem, DE-Stuttgart, 2016
- YPSI Bewegungsanalyse & Pre-/Rehabilitation, DE-Stuttgart, 2017
- YPSI Sportspezifisches Training & Business, 2017
- YPSI Advanced Program Design & Periodisierung, DE-Stuttgart, 2017
- YPSI Advanced Supplementation, DE-Stuttgart, 2017
- YPSI Invitation Only Seminar, DE-Stuttgart, 2017
- YPSI Trainer A-Lizenz, DE-Stuttgart, 2017
- Trainingscamp Hypertrophie, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2017
- Private 3-Day Internship, div. Themen, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2017
- Sport und Psychoneuroimmunologie, Natura Foundation, CH, 2017
- Private 1-Week Internship Gunnar Peterson, Los Angeles, USA, 2017
- Private 1-Day Internship PT-NR, Fascial Stretching, Hormone und Fatloss, CH, 2017
- YPSI Intervalltraining Seminar, DE-Stuttgart, 2018
- Seminar Methoden & Techniken, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- Seminar Übungsprogressionen & -ausführung, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- Seminar Program Design & Testing, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- MNTS Trainingscamp, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- MNTS Mentorship Reha & Therapie, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- Private 3 Day Mentorship Bodybuilding, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- 3 Day Seminar Understanding Nutrition, Dan Garner, DE-Köln, 2018
- Ernährungsworkshop Dr. Torsten Albers, CH, 2018
- 2 Day Private Internship, div. Themen, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2018
- 1 Day Private Internship, Bodybuilding, Semper-Fi, CH, 2019
- Workshop zu Anamnese & Behandlung in der Osteopathie, OP-Therapie, CH, 2019
- Die klassische und molekulargenetische Stuhldiagnostik, Ortho-Analytic, CH, 2019
- Blood Chemistry Interpretation, Dr. Bryan Walsh, London, UK, 2019
- Workshop Integrating Functional Medicine & Advanced Strength & Conditioning Methods, Eoin Lacey from Irish Strength Institute, CH, 2019
- YPSI Advanced Funktionelle Anatomie & Übungsausführung, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Advanced Ernährung, Hormone und Hautfaltenmessung, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Tool Seminar, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Weightlifting for Sports Workshop, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Strengthtraining & Sport Science Seminar with Dr. Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Bodybuilding & Strengthtraining with Juan Carlos Simo, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- YPSI Functional Nutrition for Neurotransmitters, DE-Stuttgart, 2019
- 2 Day Private Internship Mark Coles, M10, London, UK, 2019
- Pain Free Performance Specialist (PPSC), Dr. John Rusin (USA), Basel, CH, 2019
- 4 Day Private Internship, Functional Medicine, Athletic Performance, Eoin Lacey ISI, Dublin, UK, 2019
- 4 Tage privater Kurs zum Thema HRV, Dr. Alfred Lohninger, Zug, CH, 2020
- Seminar Methoden Advanced, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2020
- 3.5 Day Resistance Training Specialist Level I Course, CH, 2021
- 2 Tage privater Kurs HRV inkl. Prüfung, Dr. Alfred Lohninger, Zug, CH, 2021
- Ausbildung zum zertifizierten HRV-Professional by Autonom Health, AUT, 2022
- 3 Tage Anatomiekurs am menschlichen Präparat, Prof. Dr. A. Vleeming, CH, 2022
- 3 Day Resistance Training Specialist Level I Course, CH, 2022
- Kalipermessung – Haptik, Hintergründe und Lösungsansätze zur lokalen Körperfettreduktion, ERPSE Academy, Winterthur, CH, 2023
- Therapieren im Personal Training – Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- Sport und klinische Psychoneuroimmunologie, Nicolai Loboda, Baar, CH, 2024
- Sports Performance, Athletic Training Workshop, Sam Böhringer, Baar, CH, 2024
- RTS Mastery, 9 Day Course, Oklahoma City, USA, 2024
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Online, Conferences & Summits
- Personal Trainer Conference, DE-Mainz, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Dynamic Days, CH, 2014, 2015, 2016:
- Functional Training Summit, DE-München, 2015
- Jahrestagung Swiss Sport Nutrition Society, CH, 2016
- Team Garner Coach for Nutrition and Training, 6 Month Online Course, CAN, 2018
- Functional Medicine 6 Month Online Course, Dr. Bryan Walsh, USA, 2019
- Private Consultations with Morley Robbins, 2020
- 14 Week Course at the RCP Institute leading to RCP Consultant Diploma, USA, 2020
- Coaching and Consultations with Eugene Teo, Ganbaru, AUS, 2020
- Several Consultations with Eoin Lacey ISI, Dublin, UK, 2020
- Private Consultation Skype with Marek Doyle, London, UK, 2020
- Coaching and Consultations, Ben Cant, AUS, 2020
- YPSI Mikrobiom und Bodycomp, Online-Seminar, DE, 2020
- Henselmans Personal Trainer Kurs, Online, NED, 2021
- Precision Nutrition Level I, Online, USA, 2021
- Program Design Mastery & Neurotyping, Thibaudeau, Online, USA, 2021
- Exercise Professional, Series 1000-5000 (113 hours), Tom Purvis, Online, USA, 2023
Sofia Vieira – Coach AND Personal Trainer
- Sofia is a teacher, former elite athlete, coach and personal trainer who has worked in education and sports in several countries.
- She speaks several languages and has a degree in Sports Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid, followed by a Masters in Education.
- From a young age, Sofia has dedicated her life to sport. From playing on the streets in the beginning until today, it has always been her passion and daily focus. In futsal and football, she has achieved a distinguished career as a professional player, representing the Portuguese national team for more than ten years and winning many titles in different countries.

Sofia would describe herself as a calm, balanced and resilient person who enjoys taking on challenges and making a positive impact on other people’s lives.
Sofia likes nature, the sound of the sea, solving Sudoku puzzles to relax and chocolate.
Sofia Vieira Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Degree in physical and sporting activity sciences, ESP University of Madrid, 2008-2011
- Master’s Degree in Secondary Education (Obligatory, Upper Secondary and Vocational Education) Artistic Education, Language, Teaching and Sports; Specialization: Physical Education, ESP University of Alicante, 2012-2013
- Futsal Instructor, Royal Spanish Football Federation, ESP, Madrid, 2011
- Pilates Matwork Instructor, ANEP – Asociación Nacional De Entrenadores De Pilates Y Yoga, ESP, Alicante, 2013
- UEFA Football Coach Level C / I Level Portuguese, FPF: Portuguese Football Federation, POR – Lissabon, 2012 |2020
- 3 Day Resistance Training Specialist Level I Course, CH, 2021 & 2022
- Kalipermessung: Haptik, Hintergründe und Lösungsansätze zur lokalen Körperfettreduktion, ERPSE Academy, Winterthur, CH, 2023
- Therapieren im Personal Training – Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- Sport und klinische Psychoneuroimmunologie, Nicolai Loboda, Baar, CH, 2024
- Sports Performance, Athletic Training Workshop, Sam Böhringer, Baar, CH, 2024
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Online, Conferences & Summits
- High Performance Personal Trainer and Body Building Techniques, APTA Vital Sport, ESP, Valencia, 2019-2020
Emanuele Melis – Coach AND Personal Trainer

- Being active has always been the foundation of Emanuele’s life, the centrepiece around which he has built his personal and, above all, professional career.
- After almost ten years of team sports (hockey), he first learnt Capoeira and then Kung Fu. The highlight of his competitive career came in 2012 when he won the gold medal at the Italian Wushu Cup.
- His curiosity and desire to learn more about the principles of movement of the human body led him to enrol in the Faculty of Sports Sciences. His knowledge of sports medicine acquired at the universities of Caligari and Bologna and his experience as an athlete and trainer enable him to understand and correctly interpret the needs of his clients. In this way, he succeeds like no other in making them more aware of their bodies, enjoy physical activity in training and in everyday life and lead a healthier and more balanced life.
Emanuele loves traveling and reading, enjoys exploring finance, and likes making music.
Emanuele Melis Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Master in Sport Sciences and Techniques of Sport Activities, ITA – University of Cagliari and Bologna, 2013-2020
- I Level Coaching and Personal Training, FIPE, 2016
- Functional Exercise Instructor, ATS, 2017
- Corrective Exercise Specialist, ATS, 2018
- Health and Fitness Specialist, CONI, 2018
- 3 Day Resistance Training Specialist Level I Course, CH, 2022
- Kalipermessung: Haptik, Hintergründe und Lösungsansätze zur lokalen Körperfettreduktion, ERPSE Academy, Winterthur, CH, 2023
- Therapieren im Personal Training, Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- Sport und klinische Psychoneuroimmunologie, Nicolai Loboda, Baar, CH, 2024
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Online, Conferences & Summits
- Sport training. New functional methods, CONI, 2013
- Basal Metabolism and Respiratory Quotient, ELAV Smart Academy, 2017
- Maximal heart rate, ELAV Smart Academy, 2017
- Core training and low back pain, ELAV Smart Academy, 2020
- Evolution of the concept of posture, Sport Science, 2021
- Mediterranean diet, Sport Science, 2021
- Low Back: Prevention, Re-education and Rehabilitation, Sport Science, 2021
- Exercise in Pregnancy, ATS, 2021
- Sibylle was already very active as a child and wanted to try out every sport, which has not changed to this day. However, her greatest passion was and still is dancing. She loves expressing emotions with her body. This passion led her to the stage, where she danced in a show group for seven years and performed all over Switzerland.
- Sybille gave dance lessons while she was still at school. Even then, she realised how much fun it was to pass on her passion for movement. In the years that followed, she successfully channelled this passion into dance education, yoga and fitness. As she is fascinated by how the body works, she has also continued her education in the fields of sport and nutrition.
- She currently loves surfing or hiking, skiing, alpine skiing or ski touring in the mountains.

With her positive nature, she manages to inspire everyone around her and motivate them to get the last reserves out of their bodies.
Training & Professional Development
- Tänzerin urbane- & zeitgenössische Tanztechnik, Matchless Dance GmbH, CH, 2013-2014
- Tanzpädagogin, Matchless Dance GmbH, CH, 2013-2014
- Power Yoga Instruktorin, SAFS, CH, 2019
- Boot Camp Trainerin, SAFS, CH, 2019
- Ernährungscoach, SAFS, CH, 2020-2021
- Kalipermessung: Haptik, Hintergründe und Lösungsansätze zur lokalen Körperfettreduktion, ERPSE Academy, Winterthur, CH, 2023
- Therapieren im Personal Training: Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- MNTS Methoden & Techniken PT, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Energy Systems, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Zyklenplanung & Periodisierung, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Ernährung & Mikronährstoffe, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Performance Testing & Athletenprofil, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Übungsausführung & Biomechanik, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2024
- MNTS Übungsprogression & vertikale Integration, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2024
- MNTS Program Design & Phasenplanung, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2024
- MNTS Weiterführende Rehabilitation & Analyse, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2024
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
André pedro – Coach And Personal Trainer

- André loves football. He tried to pursue a professional career in this field, but life had other plans for him. After a knee injury, he left the pitch and pursued a career as a personal trainer to help others who were pursuing the same dream as him.
- He then took up futsal, swimming, capoeira and Muay Thai. Today he plays football with friends in his spare time.
- André is a graduate of the Universidade Europeia in Lisbon. In the gym, André is passionate about setting realistic goals with his clients, prioritising and making them the best version of themselves through exercise and nutrition. This isn’t just a short-sighted programme – it’s a holistic approach to long-term health.
André enjoys reading, travelling and playing video games in his spare time. He makes friends easily and is always willing to help others. In addition, he continuously tries to see the positive side of things and always finds two solutions to every problem!
André pedro Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Bachelor’s degree in sport science and physical activity, exercise and health, POR, Universidade Europeia 2015-2018
- TRX Training Specialist, POR, GTF Training, 2019
- Bosu Specialist, POR, GTF Training, 2019
- Trigger Point Specialist, POR, GTF Training, 2019
- Postgraduate/International Specialization in Cross Training, POR, Fitness Academy 2020-2021
- Sport und klinische Psychoneuroimmunologie, Nicolai Loboda, Baar, CH, 2024
- Sports Performance, Athletic Training Workshop, Sam Böhringer, Baar, CH, 2024
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
- António Santos is an accomplished personal trainer and exercise professional with a rich blend of academic knowledge, professional expertise, and hands-on experience in promoting health and fitness. While holding a degree in Sports, Fitness, and Health from the Sport Science School of Rio Maior, António further developed his strong foundation in anatomy, physiology and exercise mechanics through advanced certifications in the field. His ability to design exercise scenarios tailored to individual needs, ensuring safe and effective training that aligns with personal goals, has established him as a trusted and skilled exercise specialist.
- António’s professional journey spans roles as a personal trainer at renowned fitness studios and as a trainer and mentor at EXS Exercise School. His responsibilities include conducting detailed assessments, crafting customized exercise programs, and guiding clients toward achieving their personal fitness goals. His in-depth understanding of exercise mechanics allows him to tailor training regimens to suit individual anatomical and physiological differences, ensuring safe and effective results.
- His background in semi-professional rugby, both as a player and coach, highlights his leadership skills and ability to foster teamwork. António’s creativity and adaptability are further showcased through his experience in social media content creation and marketing within the fitness industry. Currently residing in Switzerland, António is expanding his skills by studying German and exploring the latest science research in fitness and technology.
- In addition to his professional pursuits, António combines his passion for health and exercise with a love for tennis, reading science books, exploring technology gadgets, building with Legos, and watching sci-fi movies. These hobbies fuel his curiosity and allow him to stay inspired both personally and professionally, reinforcing: “Alone we move faster, together we go further.”

Being a Sci-Fi and Star Wars fan and having RTS as a main game changer in my Professional career as a Trainer through the Knowledge of Physics and Mechanics within Exercise, I think this phrase catches it all:
António Santos Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Rugby Coach Level 1, Rugby Portugal, 2016
- Degree in Sports, Fitness & Health, Sport Science School of Rio Maior, 2018 – 2021
- EXS Master in Physical Exercise, EXS Exercise School, 2020
- EXS Clinical, EXS Exercise School, 2022
- MNTS Energy Systems, Continuum Training & Health AG, CH, 2023
- MNTS Zyklenplanung & Periodisierung, Continuum
- 2 Day Workshop on Advanced Supplementation and Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Online, Conferences & Summits
- EXS Exercise Summit 2022, EXS Exercise School, 2022
- RTS Intro, Resistance Training Specialist Brazil, 2019
- RTS Squat Mechanics, Resistance Training Specialist, 2019
Ronja Camenzind – Apprentice

- After completing secondary school, she enrolled in the FMS (Fachmittelschule). However, she soon realized that the FMS was not what she wanted. She took some time off to get to know herself better and to plan her future path.
- During various internships, Ronja planted hundreds of plants and memorized their Latin names, ground lenses for glasses, mucked out stables, and assisted people at Spitex. Ultimately, she discovered her passion in the gym. She liked that people at the gym want to change and improve themselves. This motivated Ronja, and she wants to support these people and help them stay committed!
- Ronja is very excited about the opportunity to complete her training as a specialist in exercise and health promotion at Personalworkout and to learn many new things.
Ronja loves aerial acrobatics. She has been training in this field for six years, and through it, she discovered her passion for sports. From a young age, she has tried many hobbies, including horseback riding, Wing Tsun, and scuba diving.
Rubén Lozano – Medical masseur – Integrative Manual Therapy
- Rubén is an inquisitive person. After completing various commercial training programmes, he decided to learn the craft of massage. He is currently still in training. He feels very comfortable with us and knows that he has made exactly the right decision for himself by taking this step.
- Whether after injuries or simply out of a desire to do something good for oneself – anyone who needs a soothing massage is in the best hands with him.
- The treatment is holistically designed and individually tailored to your needs.

Rubén loves being out in nature. There he recharges his batteries again and again to «ground» his clients with his calm manner.
Rubén Lozano Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Med. Masseur FA i. A., Bildungszentrum Dickerhof seit 2017(Klassische Massage, Fussreflexzonen Massage, Lymphdrainage , komplexe physikalische Entstauungstherapie (KPE), Bindegewebsmassage, Elektrotherapie), 2017
- Release- and Regulationstherapy in der integrativen Manualtherapie i. A., Dr. Ellen Fischer seit 2019
- Crossfit Level 1, 2011
- Kettlebell Instruktor, 2010 – 2012
- Coaching Ido Portal, 2012 – 2013
- Internship Joseph Bartz, 2015 & 2016
- Schüler Emmet Louis, 2018 – 2020
- Calisthenics Training bei Metin Dabak (littlebeasttm), 2016 – 2018
- Boxtrainer Boxclub Zug, 2020 – 2022
- Therapieren im Personal Training: Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- 1 Day Workshop on Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Nadja Rudolph – Physical therapist

- Nadja is a qualified physical therapist and is responsible for getting you back into shape as quickly as possible.
- After injuries, pregnancy or even after a long absence from sports, you are in best hands. She is always up for a bit of fun but quickly puts you at ease with her healing hands.
- With manual therapy and cranio-sacral therapy, she passionately passes on her positive energy; she finds negative thinking and pessimism counterproductive for the healing process.
Always well organised, she fuels herself with energy in the company of her family and her three daughters. Nadja hates rain and cold, loves the Baltic Sea, is a passionate cook and enjoys swapping her fitness shoes for dancing shoes now and then.
Nadja Rudolph Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Studium Physiotherapie, 1984-1987
- Diplom Manualtherapeut, 1995-1997
- Craniosacraltherapeut für Erwachsene, Säuglinge und Kleinkinder, 2000
- Geburtsbegleitung, Vorsorge, Rückbildung, 2017
- Sportphysiotherapeut und Athletiktrainer, 2018-2019
- Personal- und Business-Coach, 2020-2021
- Therapieren im Personal Training: Stretches, ART, FAT, FDM, Osteopressur, Prime Strength & Health, Bern, CH, 2023
- 1 Day Workshop on Scientific Energy System Training, Baar, CH, 2025
Gabriela Thaddey – Physical therapist HF
- For Gabriela, living is feeling the joy of movement – and this joy guides her in her everyday life.
- In her work as a physical therapist, it is important to her to discover existing potential and bring it to full development. Helping her patients achieve their personal goals while working together is her greatest concern and brings her much pleasure. Therapy successes are very important to her and motivate her as much as the person she is treating. Depending on the individual case, she uses different techniques to achieve lasting success as quickly as possible. In the course of her professional career, she has completed numerous training and further education courses for this purpose and has gathered wealth of experience that is second to none.

Days in nature and especially in the mountains are a perfect complement to Gabriela’s daily work routine.
Gabriela Thaddey Qualifications
Training & Professional Development
- Schule für Physiotherapie, Universitätsklinik Inselspital Bern, 1986-1989
- Brügger Kurse am Forschungs- und Schulungszentrum, Dr. med. Alois Brügger, CH-Zürich, 1990-1995
- PNF Propriozeptive Neuromuskuläre Fazilitation, CH, 1992-1993
- Fussreflexzonentherapie, CH, 1993
- Taping Grundkurs, CH, 1993
- Rehatrain Obere Extremitäten, CH, 1993
- Maitland-Konzept Grundkurs / Wiederholungs- / Ergänzungskurs Level 1, CH- Bern / Zurzach, 1994-2006
- Theorie und Training der wichtigen TA Entwicklungs-/ Persönlichkeits- / Kommunikationsmodelle, Diagnostik und Interventionstechniken, Supervision, IMTT (Interessengemeinschaft für myofasziale Triggerpunkttherapie), CH-Schwerzenbach (heute Wiesendangen), 1996-1999
- McConnell Kurs Patellofemorales Schmerzsyndrom, CH, 1997
- Schröpfen im Alltag, Grundkurs bei Erika Gübeli, CH-Bern, 1999
- Transaktionsanalyse SBN-TA, 3-jährige Grundausbildung, Dr. phil. Toni Fuchs, CH-Zürich/Basel, 2011-2014
- Transaktionsanalyse Fortgeschrittenen – und Selbsterfahrungsgruppe und Supervision, Dr. phil. Toni Fuchs, CH-Basel, 2015-2017
- Manuelle Triggerpunkt-Therapie Modul 2, Repetition, CH, 2017
- Dry Needling 1 und 2, IMTT, CH, 2017-2018
- Scapula Flügel ausser Kontrolle, IMTT, CH, 2019
- Topographische Anatomie und Dry Needling am menschlichen Präparat, IMTT, CH, 2021
- Fasziendistorsionsmodell nach Stephen Typaldos, Basic Level – AIM, CH, 2021-2022
Online, Conferences & Summits
- Diverse Jahreskongresse der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handrehabilitation, CH, 1994-1997
- Internationaler Kongress Humor, 3 Tageskurs, CH-Bad Zurzach, 2006
We speak fluent German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
5 reasons why we should be your personal trainer
We do not work according to a scheme-F, but according to the scheme that is YOU! The best programme is of no use if it is not carried out or only carried out for a few days!
We work holistically and offer state of the art training as well as nutritional advice and lifestyle coaching. As part of this, we analyse all relevant aspects such as nutrition, sleep, stress and digestion.
We are ambitious and want to reach your goal at least as fast as you do!
We get feedback time and again that we are good motivators. As people who know their inner weaker selves quite well, we have developed various strategies to be able to control them in the long term!
We live what we teach. This is our central focus. Everything we advise our clients we have tried out ourselves or would use ourselves any time!
Our gym and other interesting facts!
- We are Qualicert-certified, which means that you can claim a cost contribution from many health insurance companies with appropriate supplementary insurance.
- Personalworkout founder Marc Sonderegger is a SWICA-recognised trainer! SWICA is outstanding in prevention and offers very good conditions in terms of cost sharing!
- Marc is a member of the Swiss Personal Trainer Association, which stands for qualified fitness trainers!
- We have an extensive network of experts from various fields. So you also benefit from holistic support in this regard!
- Our fitness studio is a premium fitness studio. You will find the best equipment, modern sanitary facilities with shower gel, hairdryer, deodorant and much more. Take a look at our new fitness studio!.
What Clients Say