• Free initial consultation
  • Holistic solution
  • Individual nutrition plan
  • 24/7 support
  • Guaranteed success
Getting fit, staying fit and increasing fitness

Do you want to get fit again?

There are many individual and understandable reasons why you are no longer as fit as you «used to be»:

  • Time-consuming job
  • Parental leave
  • Accident or illness
  • Lost the fun of sport
  • «…» there’s room for your reason here!

No matter what your background is, it is important for us as trainers. It helps us to draw the right conclusions for a training strategy that suits you perfectly. 

Together we will bring your fitness back into focus – so that you can enjoy your most valuable asset in the long term.

Being fit is the most valuable asset

Being fit can mean many things: simply feeling «well» again, mastering the stairs to the 3rd floor without «locomotive noises», being pain-free, changing your own body image according to your concrete ideas or being able to take up the sport you used to love again.

Regardless of what motivation drives you – «being fit» also includes:

  • Being able to be independent and vital for as long as possible.
  • Strengthening the immune system and improving blood sugar levels
  • Increasing body- and self-esteem
  • To cope better with stressful situations 
  • To experience moments of happiness

How can I continuously get fit again if I haven’t done anything for my fitness for a long time?

It is very important for us to get to know you. That’s why we start by taking a thorough medical history with you. Based on your medical history, we then plan the perfect path for you, back to your «old» shape or towards your new one. Our personalised approach ensures that you are neither under- nor overwhelmed.

Our philosophy is to show you a way to achieve your goals that is suitable for everyday life. It’s not about climbing rocks you’re not ready for or don’t have time for. Rather, we want to work with you to find a path that you can take with motivation and ease.

With us, you have a companion at your side around the clock to help you achieve your goal while having fun – we are your 24/7 companion!

Getting fit in old age

One of our principles is: «Age is just a number». Marc, for example, doesn’t feel like he’s 40 (well, there are those days ☺). We don’t have rules that say «at 40 you should do this» or «at 60 you shouldn’t do that». The older you get, the more recovery time you need, of course. This is because your metabolism and muscle-building hormones are no longer running at full speed. However, this does not mean that you can no longer be slim or that muscle building is no longer possible. It’s just not as easy as it used to be. That’s why our trainers offer you individual support that consistently takes the age factor into account when putting together your training programme.

«75 years old and in remission after a stroke – I wondered if personal training could help me to train my balance and strengthen me so that I could squat again to pick up something that had fallen to the floor. And if I could lose a kilo or two in the process, that would be nice too. But – is that possible? Sofia and Oli gave me the best possible support twice a week and kept challenging me with new training plans, so that I got closer and closer to my goals and was able to resume my previous sporting activities without any problems. My physical and mental condition improved massively in a short space of time – and the best thing about it: the six kilos I lost never came back! The training sessions were so varied and the trainers so motivating that I looked forward to the lesson every time! Thank you so much!»

Lilo, 75

The physical abilities regained by Lilo are a good example that muscle or strength growth can be trained even in old age. The training also promotes flexibility and coordination. In this way, you optimally counteract the age-related reduction of muscle mass and remain fit and independent for longer.


Fitness Blog

How do I get fit again after pregnancy and childbirth?

Basically, your body doesn’t behave much differently after pregnancy and childbirth than before. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight and vice versa. Did you know that you consume almost 500 kcal per day when breastfeeding?

However, there are a few things you should bear in mind: Your body has worked hard and is still working hard. You often have short or interrupted nights with (too) little sleep and a baby who also demands a lot from you during the day. Added to this are worries and the constant maternal instinct to do everything for the well-being of your child. Your own needs often take second place. This is another reason why you should take care of your fitness in good time.

Our physiotherapists and trainers will help you answer all the questions that many other new mothers ask themselves as well:

  • When can I return to sport?
  • What kind of sport can I do again and how intensively?
  • When and how often can I train my belly again?

Can I build my stamina and fitness with jogging?

This question cannot be answered with a blank «yes» or «no». Jogging is an activity that burns a lot of calories compared to other sports. However, it is also very stressful for the joints. So, as with all endurance sports, you should prepare yourself sensibly for it.

In concrete terms, this means that you need a good portion of muscle to be able to absorb four to seven times your body weight on landing. We often see faulty running styles due to a lack of muscle mass, which can lead to serious problems in the future.

It is also important to remember that running or jogging primarily trains the lower body. However, it often makes sense to include the upper body muscles in the training programme. In this way, you can train a better posture and maintain muscle mass in the upper body. The latter plays an important role if you want to lose weight.

Can I build up strength and fitness specifically for my sport?

For example, would you like to get rid of back pain after playing golf or improve your golf swing? Of course, this is possible with strength training tailored to your sport.

In sports such as golf, enormous forces act on the body, which the torso (also known as the «core») has to decelerate. Many golfers therefore train this area specifically with us, as do athletes from other sports such as hockey, motocross, go-karting and ice cross.

However, it is not only athletes and professionals who should prepare their bodies properly for their sport in order to minimise the risk of injury. Amateur athletes such as amateur footballers and winter sports enthusiasts also benefit from good preparation. After all, the forces that act on the body when skiing or snowboarding for example, are enormous! A good strength base is the best preventative measure to minimise the risk of knee injuries in particular.

How to build sustainable fitness and strength

There are many ways to improve your fitness and strength. The most important question is: What do you enjoy.

Do you enjoy exercising at home, outdoors in nature or are you motivated by going to the gym? Do you enjoy being with other people or do you prefer to train alone? Do you prefer to train once or twice a week or are you hungry for more training sessions? What sports experience do you have and what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Our job is to clarify these and other questions and to put together your individual «programme» from your answers. With us, there is no right or wrong, but always path A, B or C. Regardless of which of these paths we take with you, you will quickly see and feel success. Our customers confirm this time and time again.

Training plan with exercises

In our philosophy, there is no such thing as THE one training plan. Rather, we design it individually based on your everyday life, your possible training times and your time budget. Thanks to innovative equipment, meaningful training can now be carried out anywhere. A strength section should never be missing, because endurance activities such as jogging, cycling or swimming also thrive on «strength». In addition, meaningful strength training always improves your fitness. This is not sport-specific and improves basic endurance.

Depending on your goal, we will incorporate more or fewer cardio sessions into your training plan. You don’t have to wait three months to feel and experience noticeable improvements, we guarantee that.

Stay fit and healthy in the long term with our holistic and everyday concept

We have long made it our mission to be more than just a gym. Therefore, the term health center best describes our holistic philosophy and our field of activity

Our offer includes not only training, but also nutritional counseling as well as sleep, digestive and anti-stress coaching.

With our «in-house» physical therapists and our large network in the Zug region, we also support our clients in topics such as regeneration or pain therapy and offer diagnostic services such as HRV, blood or stool analyses (sometimes with partners).

Even after the initial goals have been achieved, the majority of our customers continue to train with us in order to obtain the highest good: a fitness that allows them to overcome all everyday hurdles without problems and pain.


How can I get fit?

Whether your fitness goal is to build endurance, lose weight, achieve a defined body, or improve your overall health, you should follow a holistic approach to reach it. This includes a well-thought-out and varied training plan that combines strength and cardio training with sufficient recovery periods. It should be complemented by a balanced diet tailored to your goal. A personal trainer can be a great help on your path to success. They will create an individual training and nutrition plan customized to your needs and serve as a motivator, always ready to support and guide you.

How long does it take to get fit?

The time it takes to get fit varies depending on your starting physical condition, your fitness goals, and your discipline in consistently adapting your lifestyle. As a «newcomer» to fitness, you can notice the first noticeable changes, such as improved well-being, within a few weeks. Daily physical activities will also become easier. More advanced fitness goals that include significant improvements in strength and endurance require consistent and regular training over several months to a year.

What can I do to get fit again quickly?

The key to quickly getting fit is to adjust your lifestyle to your fitness goals in a way that you can easily integrate into your daily routine. This primarily includes daily physical activity, regular training, and a balanced and healthy diet. Other components that can accelerate your success are adequate hydration and restful sleep. To achieve quick and lasting results, consider involving a personal trainer. They can create varied and individualized nutrition and training plans, keep you motivated, and support you through challenging phases.

How often should I exercise per week to get fit?

For beginners, a weekly frequency of 3 to 4 sessions is recommended, incorporating both cardio and strength training. It’s also important to allow for necessary rest periods, especially in the beginning. Just as crucial as the number of sessions is maintaining consistent training without interruptions. Integrate your workouts into your daily routine in a way that allows you to complete them without stress and develop a training habit. This will keep you motivated in the long run. A good personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals with a personalized fitness plan tailored to your needs and assist you in integrating it optimally into your daily life.

Add ons
Let’s start!
Create your own challenge!
90 Day Challenge – The success package for your desired goal!

The following services are included as long as a challenge is ongoing:

  • Initial consultation & weekly review
  • Detailed written anamnesis
  • 24/7 personal & professional support
  • Status & goal assessment
  • Training & nutrition plans including tracking/surveillance
  • Access to a dedicated app
  • Skinfold measurement & 3D scan
  • Before & after pictures
  • Sports towel
  • Post-workout shake
CHF 1000.-
How hard do you want to push yourself?

4 personal training sessions
Once every 3 weeks

CHF 999.-

12 personal training sessions
Once a week

CHF 2100.-

24 personal training sessions
Twice a week

CHF 4200.-

36 personal training sessions
Three times a week

CHF 6300.-
Would you like something extra?
Group unlimited*


  • H30
  • Bootcamp
  • Sypoba

*As much as you can and want, without any limitations!

CHF 500.-
Semi PT 1


  • Once a week Semi-Personal Training
  • Maximum of 3 people
CHF 600.-
Semi PT 2


  • Twice a week Semi-Personal Training
  • Maximum of 3 people
CHF 1000.-
Senior Coach**


  • Senior Coach only

**Price for 12 training sessions

CHF 300.-
90 Day Challenge – The success package for your desired goal!

The following services are included as long as a challenge is ongoing:

  • Initial consultation & weekly review
  • Detailed written anamnesis
  • 24/7 personal & professional support
  • Status & goal assessment
  • Training & nutrition plans including tracking/surveillance
  • Access to a dedicated app
  • Skinfold measurement & 3D scan
  • Before & after pictures
  • Sports towel
  • Post-workout shake
CHF 1000.-


Group Training Overview


Fitness Holidays & Health Retreats

Fitness & Health Retreat

Personal Training & Coaching

Personal Training & Coaching

Challenge of the Month

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What You Get

Support & motivation from professional trainers & a great community
Free workouts & challenges for home & on the go, plus other freebies
Holistic advice with medical analysis & nutrition plan