Losing weight and body fat – why can it be so difficult?
Losing weight and body fat
Losing weight successfully – we know how!
Have you tried just about everything to reduce your body fat percentage but nothing has worked in the long run? Or are you lacking in courage, motivation and energy to finally start losing weight?
We know only too well how difficult it is to achieve this goal without support. That’s why, as long-standing experts in the fields of weight loss, body fat reduction and body toning, we would like to help you achieve your ideal weight with our extensive know-how.
The fairy tale of quick, easy weight loss in your sleep
Let’s be honest. How long did it take you to «achieve» your current (OVER)weight? A few months? A few years? And now you expect it to disappear in just a few weeks? It’s clear that our bodies don’t work that way. Each kilo of body fat represents 7000-7500 kcal of stored energy. Even if you were to maintain a daily energy deficit of 1000 kcal (which we strongly advise against), it would take a week to lose just one kilo of fat. So, it’s obvious: these kilos won’t vanish overnight.
The question of calorie deficit
A calorie deficit that is too large or a diet that is too one-sided (e.g. no carbohydrates) during weight loss can be very stressful for the body. Clear warning signs are, for example, difficulty concentrating, poor sleep, imbalance and a bad mood. These effects are also counterproductive for the desired weight loss. Your body will very quickly have great difficulty in continuing to break down fat. You will also lose a lot of valuable muscle mass. But more on that in a moment.
The truth about diets, weight loss pills, hypnosis, «miracle cures» and other weight loss tips
Have you ever tried losing weight with the help of Paleo, low carb, keto, FDH (eat half), a metabolic «something» or a juice diet? Almost certainly the success was either minimal or short-lived.
When it comes to losing weight, we are regularly presented with new miracle cures for the necessary fat loss. Most of the time, however, it’s just to sell you a new book, a new analysis, a new method for losing weight or products that you don’t need and could even harm you.
What you really need to lose weight healthily and permanently is a personalised, long-term concept that is tailored to your body. All the diet plans, juices, smoothies, lists of foods or weight loss pills that are supposedly good for your body cannot be scientifically proven and are certainly not suitable for everyday use!
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What your ring finger and birth weight tell you about your training potential
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at the scientific basis for such statements and see where there are
correlations and how statistically relevant they are. Enjoy!
What your ring finger and birth weight tell you about your training potential
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What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training
In 2019, I first came into contact with RTS (Resistance Training Specialist), and in 2021, with the help of Michael Bachmann, a personal trainer from Zurich, I organized the first RTS course in Switzerland (Level I), which has since taken place three times. In 2023, I began the online learning for the RTS Mastery course, which took nearly a full year with over 120 hours of video material and is a prerequisite for attending the course in the USA with Tom Purvis. In this blog post, I want to share 10 key takeaways from nearly 200 hours of training, providing insight into the importance of biomechanics in strength training.
What Biomechanics Has to Do with Strength Training
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Creatine: Myths, Benefits, and Latest Insights
Why the kilos tumble at the beginning – and then suddenly nothing works
With many weight loss concepts and diets, you lose weight at the beginning and are motivated to stick to the diet. But what you lose in the first few days is mainly water. Stored carbohydrates, known as glycogen, and muscle mass are also lost!
The loss of glycogen and water is not too tragic. But it is important to realise that it is not primarily body fat that is lost. What is really serious is the loss of muscle mass.
How can I specifically boost fat burning?
Muscle is a tissue that stimulates the metabolism and therefore plays a decisive role in helping you to lose weight successfully in the long term. Targeted strength training and the right amount of protein promote muscle building. Strength training optimised for weight loss is much more effective for burning fat than classic stamina training.
When losing weight, the fat deposits have usually already disappeared before the skin becomes firm again. Targeted strength training promotes the elasticity of the skin. Muscle building prevents the wrinkling of excess skin and also improves the appearance of the body.
«Slimming through sleep alone» is of course a myth! However, sleep, or more precisely the quality of sleep, plays an important role in burning fat. Growth, hunger and satiety hormones are produced during sleep and the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) is regulated.
Belly fat and how to get rid of it
Where the body puts on fat varies from person to person and is determined by both genetics and hormones. Belly fat is often a sign that cortisol levels are too high and therefore that the HPA is out of control. One of the main causes of high cortisol levels is poor blood sugar management.
In recent books and articles, fat tissue is rightly categorised as an organ. This is understandable. Fat tissue is not only a storage medium, but also highly active. This makes it all the more important to get rid of the abdominal fat.
Do abdominal exercises help to get rid of this excess belly fat directly and specifically? The answer is «no». Unfortunately, we cannot influence where the fat is broken down first. However, we can train to reduce the body fat percentage so that the belly fat also disappears – but not immediately.
Lose weight in the thighs, get rid of belly fat or lose fat in the face
Lose weight successfully and effectively with strength training and a nutrition plan
In order to lose weight healthily and successfully, humans and their bodies should always be viewed holistically. Our personal training packages include everything you need for this. As a result, you can finally lose weight permanently or get rid of those annoying fat pads on your bum, arms and stomach!
Our holistic approach includes targeted training, nutritional counselling, diagnostics and motivational and mental strategies tailored to you and your needs.
Setting goals, avoiding obstacles, resisting temptations, staying motivated and sprinting to success without detours – that is our motto!
Lose 5, 10 or 20 kilos in a targeted manner
Our many years of experience show: The most difficult thing for almost everyone is the beginning. Some people wait for the right time, but to be honest, there is no right time. This is because one event follows the next, both in our private and professional lives, and something always comes up. That’s why we take an approach where you don’t have to choose between two priorities.
Whether you want to lose five, ten or twenty kilos, we will create a sustainable concept for you that is suitable for everyday use and that you can implement
We will be happy to give you a realistic forecast of how much time you should expect in a free, non-binding initial consultation. We look forward to getting to know you better and finding out more about your weight loss goals!
What is the best fat burner?
Since human fat burning only occurs due to the interplay of various factors, you should dismiss the myth of the «best fat burner» – it doesn’t exist! In addition to genetic predisposition, your overall diet, metabolism, and individual lifestyle determine your fat burning. Wonder pills or so-called «crash diets» may lead to short-term success, but they always cause a rebound effect (weight gain) after discontinuation and are often harmful to your health.
What is very healthy for weight loss?
If you want to lose weight healthily, you should follow a few basic principles: Avoid highly processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fats, as these can quickly lead to hunger pangs. Instead, opt for minimally processed, low-calorie, and protein-rich foods in organic quality, which are high in nutrients and satisfying. These include green leafy vegetables (e.g., broccoli, kale, etc.), animal and plant protein sources (chicken breast, fish, eggs, beans, lentils), whole grains, healthy fats (e.g., nuts), and fresh fruits.
What is the best way to lose weight?
The key to maintaining an ideal weight permanently is a healthy lifestyle. This includes not only calorie-conscious and balanced nutrition but also regular physical activity, healthy sleep, and effective stress management. The support of a personal trainer can be beneficial when making lifestyle changes, as they can help you make the right adjustments from the start. A good personal trainer is your constant contact for all questions and problems, provides you with nutrition and training plans, and offers additional motivation and support to improve your perseverance. This enables you to lose weight more quickly and sustainably.
Where do you lose weight first?
Where you lose weight first varies greatly from person to person. Key factors include genetic predisposition, hormones, and metabolism. Unfortunately, you can’t control where your body burns excess fat first. Many people lose weight initially in the abdominal area, while others lose it in the hips and thighs, or the face and neck area. Targeted training of a specific body part cannot speed up fat loss in that area but can only influence muscle development there.
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90 Day Challenge – The success package for your desired goal!
The following services are included as long as a challenge is ongoing:
- Initial consultation & weekly review
- Detailed written anamnesis
- 24/7 personal & professional support
- Status & goal assessment
- Training & nutrition plans including tracking/surveillance
- Access to a dedicated app
- Skinfold measurement & 3D scan
- Before & after pictures
- Sports towel
- Post-workout shake
CHF 1000.-
How hard do you want to push yourself?
4 personal training sessions
Once every 3 weeks
CHF 999.-
12 personal training sessions
Once a week
CHF 2100.-
24 personal training sessions
Twice a week
CHF 4200.-
36 personal training sessions
Three times a week
CHF 6300.-
Would you like something extra?
Group unlimited*
*As much as you can and want, without any limitations!
CHF 500.-
Semi PT 1
- Once a week Semi-Personal Training
- Maximum of 3 people
CHF 600.-
Semi PT 2
- Twice a week Semi-Personal Training
- Maximum of 3 people
CHF 1000.-
Senior Coach**
**Price for 12 training sessions
CHF 300.-
90 Day Challenge – The success package for your desired goal!
The following services are included as long as a challenge is ongoing:
- Initial consultation & weekly review
- Detailed written anamnesis
- 24/7 personal & professional support
- Status & goal assessment
- Training & nutrition plans including tracking/surveillance
- Access to a dedicated app
- Skinfold measurement & 3D scan
- Before & after pictures
- Sports towel
- Post-workout shake
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What Clients Say
«Marc is incredibly motivating and always gets the best out of his clients. Thanks to Marc’s motivation to always give my best, I can also motivate myself better to train alone. My goal was to get fitter. With additional nutrition tips, I’ve lost 11 kg and reduced my waist circumference by 10 cm. Thank you, Marc!»
«I wanted to get fit again, lose weight, reduce fat, and build muscle – we achieved all that. A thousand thanks, Marc; you also managed to bring back my joy for sports.»
«Hard but cool! Under Marc’s professional and knowledgeable training guidance, we train hard, but the fun factor isn’t neglected either. The 45-minute workouts are perfectly timed, and if you stick to the given training and nutrition plan, the kilos will drop off by themselves. I lost almost 10 kg! I feel much better and more capable. Want impressive results? Then I can only recommend training with Marc!»
«I can highly recommend Marc as a personal trainer. Almost without noticing and with little difficulty, he helps you bring out the best in yourself and achieve, even surpass, your goals. Using modern equipment and apps, he motivates you daily to stay on the right track and remain motivated. With his kind and friendly personality, you can’t help but be enthusiastic. Thank you, Marc, for making me feel fit and comfortable in my body again, and I look forward to more successes!»
„With Marc’s Personal Training and the Hardest30 group courses I was able to gain and maintain valuable core strength and lose 12kg during the pandemic. This was possible thanks to the straightforward adjustment of training plans and outdoor options when inside was not possible. In his friendly and familiar environment it is no problem to keep the motivation and drive to reach new training goals. Also loved his diet tips and tricks as I did not have to change it, but adjust it.”
„Mit dem Ziel ein paar Kilo abzunehmen und mich in meinem Körper fitter und wohler zu fühlen, bin ich zu Personalworkout gegangen. Das abwechslungsreiche Training bei Oli und auch bei Marc und Sofia hat mir immer Spass gemacht, sie haben mich motiviert und gefordert! Es brauchte Disziplin und ein bisschen Geduld von mir, aber auch von Oli und Marc mit mir ????, aber es hat sich definitiv gelohnt! Mit 10 Kilos weniger fühle ich mich viel besser und leistungsfähiger und habe mein Ziel dank der guten Tipps von Marc und Oli erreicht. Vielen Dank!”
„Nach mehreren Jahren erfolglosem Abnehmens habe ich mit der 90 Tage Challenge endlich das Richtige gefunden. Mit Marc als Trainer an meiner Seite, hat das ganze umso mehr Spass gemacht. Nach den ersten bemerkbaren Erfolgen stieg die Motivation und ich habe gelernt, dass man oft den Fokus auf die falschen Dinge legt. Am meisten erstaunte mich, wie ich durch Disziplin, ein wenig Sport und gewisse kleine Einschränkungen beim Essen, ich trotzdem abgenommen habe. Mit strengen Trainings, klaren Grenzen und guten Lösungen holt Marc das Beste aus einem raus. Besonders toll finde ich, dass er die Wichtigkeit auf die Gesundheit des Menschen legt. Sein Lob und ab und zu ein Lachen verleiht dem Ganzen eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und macht Spass. Ein Training bei Marc kann ich nur weiterempfehlen! Mit meinem Resultat bin ich sehr happy. Dafür danke ich dir sehr Marc.”
„Bevor ich Marc kennengelernt habe, war ich völlig verwirrt wegen den ganzen „Mode-Diäten”, die es mittlerweile auf dem Markt gibt, was ich überhaupt essen kann bzw. darf, um erfolgreich abzunehmen. Selbstverständlich ist jede „Diät” gescheitert, da es zu viele „Verbote” gab. Der Ernährungsplan von Marc ist leicht umsetzbar und auch in Stresssituationen problemlos machbar. Die Trainingseinheiten sind kurz und knackig. Rückblickend auf die letzten paar Monate war es die beste Investition in meine Gesundheit – nicht nur wegen den verlorenen Pfunden, sondern auch wegen vielen anderen positiven Aspekten wie z.B. eine bessere Schlafqualität, höhere Belastbarkeit bzw. mentale Stärke und einige körperlichen Beschwerden sind verschwunden. Egal in welche Richtung euer Ziel ist – mit Marc habt ihr einen kompetenten und zuverlässigen Trainer an eurer Seite, der mit euch den Weg zusammen geht.”
„Sehr professionell und am Puls der Zeit mit den Trainings- und Ernährungsplänen. Das Training ist hart, macht aber trotzdem Spass und die Resultate lassen nicht lange auf sich warten. Die digitale Unterstützung in Form von state of the art Apps und rascher Antwortzeit bei Fragen sind beeindruckend. So soll’s sein!”
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