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Pain, tension, rehabilitation and surgery preparation

Finally go through life pain-free again!

Who among us has not been confronted with at least one of these stressful situations in the course of our lives:

  • Tension and/or headaches
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Injuries
  • Preparation for surgery and/or rehabilitation afterwards

If you’re lucky, you’ll never or rarely encounter these things. Unfortunately, for many people they have become everyday companions. As a fitness studio with a feel-good character and practicing physiotherapists, we offer solutions specifically for such problems. Because only those who are pain-free can do sport sensibly and with joy. Our maxim is always to first alleviate the symptoms or completely eliminate the existing pain.

Tension and other complaints due to poor posture and/or lack of exercise

Chest pain during long hikes, back pain due to sitting for hours or migraines and headaches after work (or during leisure time). For us, these are well-known pain phenomena, some of which we have encountered ourselves (e.g see. Marc’s path to a life without migraine attacks) or which clients tell us about again and again while discussing their medical history.

Oftentimes genetic causes are responsible for migraines, such as a severe hollow back or large breasts. However, this does not mean that nothing can be done about it.

Nowadays, many activities such as sitting are performed in an inwardly turned and bent position. This shortens the chest and shoulder muscles. The same applies to the hamstring muscles (posterior thigh muscles).

It is therefore important to loosen these structures or strengthen the opposing muscle groups, such as the back muscles. Work furniture such as standing desks or other ergonomic workplace equipment are ideal for this. Massages and strength training can also help relieve pain.

It’s up to each individual: You can actively prevent it or only do something about the pain once the problems are there.

Tension in the neck and what helps permanently

Neck tension is one of the most frequently cited problems when it comes to posture problems. As described in the previous section, the  upper-cross- syndrome is a common phenomenon. Frequent sitting, driving or working on the computer promotes such poor posture.

A reduction in these activities is rarely possible due to the nature of the activity. However, it is possible to work on maintaining a straight neck posture while working. In addition, strengthening the back muscles (rhomboid, lower trapezius, parts of the rotator cuff and serratus anterior) during leisure time can counteract vulture-like neck posture.

A visit to the doctor is usually only necessary when the problem is advanced and sensory disorders occur.

Headaches and migraines and why exercise helps

Headaches also often occur due to tension caused by poor posture. With the appropriate training, a permanent improvement in posture can be achieved. In this way, tension and the resulting migraine attacks can be continuously and noticeably reduced.

Ideally, you will become permanently «migraine-free», like Marc (founder of Personalworkout).

Contact us if you also suffer from frequent headaches or migraine attacks. We will analyse your posture, improve it with an individual training programme and optimise it for your professional and private everyday life.

Fitness Blog

How back pain develops and why most back problems are muscular

The majority of back pain is «unspecific». This means that no actual (physical) cause can be found. Nevertheless, the pain is there, sometimes with very strong negative effects on everyday life.

In addition to initial rest and taking painkillers, physiotherapeutic treatments are often used to relieve pain.

Due to our more than ten years of experience with this topic, we have in-depth knowledge of the treatment options for originally «unspecific» back pain. As a result, we were able to help almost all of our customers noticeably relieve their symptoms or completely eliminate existing back pain.

In our experience, an overloading of the back extensors due to incorrect hip extension is often the cause of the symptoms. Instead, the back is used for tasks that should actually be done by the gluteal muscles. Occasionally, a misplaced pelvis, differences in leg length or generally weak core muscles can also trigger the symptoms. In general, it is advisable to always analyze the exact cause of the symptoms individually and in detail.

Pain in the lower back, buttocks or tailbone

Piriformis syndrome or falls on the tailbone can also have an impact on the back. Osteopathic treatments, massages or stretching exercises can help in such cases and relieve the pain.

A herniated disc can be another cause of back pain. But how does this back pain differ from the «unspecific» back pain mentioned above?

Herniated discs are usually accompanied by sensory disturbances. The pain is located in the spinal area. If your pain feels like this, you should better see a doctor.

However, if you have pain next to your spine or even at the base of your buttocks, there is a good chance that we can help you. Just contact us for a non-binding initial consultation.

Joint pain

Joint pain can have many causes. Typically, a medical examination should be conducted first. However, the following case shows that there can be triggers that one might not easily consider on their own:

«I went to Personalworkout because I wanted to get better. I had arm pain almost every day that radiated into my fingers. My legs were also aching all the time. On top of that, I had neck problems and I wasn’t really happy with my weight any more either. My primary goal, however, was to become pain-free again. After months of physical therapy and several visits to the doctor, I wasn’t really improving. After the pain didn’t get noticeably better even with training, Marc recommended that I take a food-intolerance test. No sooner said than done. The result was quite shocking. My organism cannot digest many orange and red foods. First and foremost, it was cereal products containing gluten that seemed to trigger immunological reactions. As soon as I eliminated these foods from my diet, I felt much better. I could also really look forward to training again and stepping on the gas.»


Irene’s feedback confirms that it makes sense to think outside the box. Our holistic approach enables us to take exactly this view – to the satisfaction of our clients.

Preparation for surgery or rehab after surgery

It takes a fair amount of motivation to make the decision to build up muscles before an upcoming operation – with the aim of getting fit again as quickly as possible afterwards. 

We have made the experience that this effort always pays off for the patient, as it did in Patrick’s case. Patrick prepared himself specifically for an upcoming hip- operation with an individual training programme. It was a very good decision that significantly shortened his rehabilitation time which his doctor also confirmed.

After an operation, our physical therapists take over the post-operative rehabilitation until the regeneration has progressed as far as that the joint in question can be loaded with weight again. In the beginning, weight-bearing can only be done with the patient’s own body weight and only later on with dumbbells or machines.

At Personalworkout, the transition from rehabilitation to training is smooth, as our coaches are in constant contact with the physical therapists. In this way, we offer our clients the best possible care and get them back to their best form as quickly as possible

Training plan with exercises

In our philosophy, there is not THE one training plan to effectively reduce or alleviate tension, headaches or back pain. Rather, we design it individually based on a detailed analysis of your problem and taking into account your time possibilities.

Thanks to innovative equipment, sensible training to improve posture or relieve pain can now be done practically anywhere. With our professional anamnesis and a training plan tailored to your problem, we guarantee that you will quickly notice significant improvements.

Finally become pain-free with our holistic and everyday concept

We have long been committed to being more than just a fitness studio. Therefore, the term health centre describes our holistic philosophy and our field of activity most appropriately.

Our team not only offers you individual training sessions, but also first-class therapeutic know-how. 

Our «in-house» physical therapists also support our clients  on other topics such as regeneration or pain treatment. We also offer diagnostic services such as HRV, blood or stool analyzes (some with partners).

Even when they are pain-free again, most of our clients choose to stay with us. The new goal is now to maintain the highest good: A fitness with which all everyday hurdles can be mastered without any problems.


How to get rid of back pain?

If the pain is temporary, you can alleviate it with light movement, such as a walk or stretching exercises. Heat or cold treatment (using a hot water bottle or ice) can also provide relief, as can taking over-the-counter pain medication or massaging the affected area. For persistent back pain without a physical cause, physiotherapy treatment usually relieves the discomfort quickly and effectively. Targeted and regular back training under the supervision of a specialized personal trainer can also alleviate pain quickly and sustainably. If the pain is located on the spine and accompanied by sensory disturbances, it may indicate a herniated disc – in this case, please consult a doctor immediately!

How to relieve neck tension?

Neck tension often arises from incorrect neck posture, frequently caused by working primarily in a seated position in front of a screen. Ergonomic office furniture, such as standing desks or proper workplace setups (monitor stands, seating), can help maintain proper neck alignment. Massages and strengthening the back muscles through strength training can also alleviate pain. Visiting a doctor is advisable if the problem is advanced and/or if sensory disturbances occur.

How to get rid of knee pain?

Knee pain is often muscular in origin and results from a lack of strength. Frequently, the leg axis cannot be maintained during activities, leading to a medial collapse (internal rotation of the knee) and subsequent pain. An inflamed tendon due to muscle imbalance can also cause knee pain. In both cases, targeted training is essential. Rest and avoidance are usually not the solution, except in cases of severe pain (pain level above 7 out of 10) or swelling. Otherwise, an adapted training regimen under professional supervision should be conducted to strengthen the affected muscles or tendons and alleviate the pain.

How to relieve sciatica pain?

For acute back pain such as a lumbago, you should wait until you can move reasonably well again before resuming physical activities. Painkillers can help manage daily activities during this phase. Recurring sciatica pain is often due to weak muscles, imbalances, or incorrect movement patterns. Improper lifting and bending strain the back instead of the gluteal muscles. The piriformis muscle can also play a role in sciatica pain. Regular and properly executed training of the affected muscles can completely and permanently eliminate the pain.

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